Wisata Malang

This tourist attraction is Jalan Raya Madya, Jurangrejo, Pandesari, Pujon, Malang Regency. Upon arrival at Florawisata San Terra Lafonte, tourists can enjoy a panoramic view of various types of flowers. This flower garden is suitable as a photo background. In addition to the flower garden, there are also European-style buildings painted in light colors to attract tourists. Florawisata San Terra Lafonte is open at 08.00 WIB - 17.00 WIB. Reporting from the official website, florawisata San Terra de Lafonte ticket prices start from IDR 25,000 on weekdays (weekdays), and start from IDR 30,000 for weekends or national holidays.

This article has been published on Kompas.com with the title "32 Tourist Attractions of Malang Raya, Many Places with Natural Nuances", Click to read: https://travel.kompas.com/read/2022/05/22/073400027/32-tempat-wisata-malang-raya-banyak-tempat-bernuansa-alam?page=all.
Author : Desi Intan Sari
Editor : Ni Nyoman Wira Widyanti

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